PERTH, WA (2018)
In an innovative concept, treated wastewater from Perth’s northern suburbs was pumped into underground water supplies, effectively storing water in the underground aquifers. At capacity, the Advanced Water Recycling Plant will recharge the Leederville and Yarragadee Aquifers onsite, with the remaining volume of water being transferred to recharge bores drilled in Wanneroo and Neerabup.
We provided a full suite of project WHS / HSEQ services including full onsite implementation of triple ISO accredited management systems. We contributed to the successful WHS / HSEQ management of the following functions:
- Site Inductions
- Operational Worksite WHS Inspections
- WHS Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control
- Ensuring compliance with Legislative Requirements
- WHS and Environmental Reporting
- WHS / HSEQ Consultations with Stakeholders