WHS consultation is critical to workplace health and safety (WHS) management in Australia. It involves the participation of all stakeholders in identifying, assessing, and controlling health and safety risks in the workplace. The WHS consultation process is a key element of the WHS Act 2011 and the WHS Regulations 2011, which outline the legal requirements for consultation in the workplace.
WHS consultation services play a vital role in helping organizations meet these requirements and ensure the health and safety of their workers. In this article, we will explore the concept of WHS consultation, the different methods of consultation, and the role of WHS consultation services in Australia.
What is WHS Consultation?
WHS consultation refers to the process of seeking and considering the views of workers and other stakeholders on matters related to WHS in the workplace. WHS consultation aims to ensure that the health and safety of workers are protected and that they have a say in decisions that affect their health and safety.
WHS consultation is a legal requirement in Australia and is necessary for the effective management of WHS risks in the workplace. It is also a key element of the WHS Act 2011, which outlines the legal obligations of employers and workers concerning WHS consultation.
WHS consultation can take many forms, including informal discussions, formal meetings, and written communication. The method of consultation will depend on the size and complexity of the organization, as well as the nature of the health and safety risks involved.
Why choose our WHS Consultants?
There are several reasons why organizations might choose to use the services of WHS consultants:
- Expertise: WHS consultants have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of workplace health and safety. They can provide expert advice and guidance on the most effective ways to identify and manage health and safety risks in the workplace.
- Legal compliance: WHS consultants can help organizations to meet their legal obligations in relation to consultation and participation in the workplace. This can include the development of consultation policies and procedures and the provision of training to workers and other stakeholders.
- Time and cost savings: Engaging the services of WHS consultants can save organizations time and resources. Consultants can handle developing and implementing consultation policies and procedures, freeing up time and resources for organizations to focus on their core business activities.
- Improved safety performance: By working with WHS consultants, organizations can improve their safety performance and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. This can help to reduce the cost of workers’ compensation claims and improve the overall health and safety of the workplace.
- Improved employee engagement: WHS consultants can help to improve employee engagement in the workplace by ensuring that workers have a say in decisions that affect their health and safety. This can lead to improved morale, productivity, and positive company culture.
WHS Consultation Methods
There are several methods of WHS consultation that organizations can use to seek the views of workers and other stakeholders on matters related to WHS. Some of the most common methods include:
- Informal discussions involve informal conversations between workers, managers, or supervisors about health and safety matters. This can be done informally during a break or at the end of a shift.
- Formal meetings: This involves the convening of a meeting specifically to discuss health and safety matters. This can be done through regular meetings, such as a safety committee, or ad hoc meetings as needed.
- Written communication: This involves using written communication, such as emails, newsletters, or bulletins, to consult with workers on health and safety matters.
- WHS consultation form: This is a formal document used to collect workers’ views and concerns on health and safety matters. The form can gather feedback on a specific issue or seek general feedback on the organization’s health and safety policies and procedures.
- WHS consultation code of practice: This is a document that outlines the principles and guidelines for consultation in the workplace. It is designed to help organizations understand their legal obligations concerning consultation and provide guidance on how to meet those obligations.

WHS Consultation and Participation Processes
The WHS consultation process involves the participation of workers and other stakeholders in identifying, assessing, and controlling health and safety risks in the workplace. It is a continuous process that should involve all levels of the organization, from management to front-line workers.
The WHS Act 2011 outlines the legal requirements for consultation and participation in the workplace, including:
- The need to consult with workers and other stakeholders on matters that may affect their health and safety
- The requirement to involve workers and other stakeholders in the identification and assessment of health and safety risks
- The need to consider the views and concerns of workers and other stakeholders when making decisions about health and safety
The WHS consultation process should be tailored to the needs of the organization and the specific health and safety risks involved.
WHS Consultation Services
WHS consultation services can help organizations meet their legal obligations concerning consultation and participation in the workplace. These services can provide expert advice and guidance on the most effective methods of consultation and support in developing and implementing consultation policies and procedures.
Spire Safety Consultants offers an array of comprehensive services and WHS training for organisations and businesses throughout Australia.
Some of the key services that WHS consultation firms offer include:
- WHS consultation policy development: This involves the development of a policy that outlines the principles and guidelines for consultation in the workplace. The policy should outline the process for seeking and considering the views of workers and other stakeholders on health and safety matters, as well as the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders in the consultation process.
- WHS consultation form template development: This involves the development of a template for a WHS consultation form that can be used to collect the views and concerns of workers on health and safety matters. The template should be tailored to the needs of the organization and should be easy to understand and use.
- WHS consultation training: This involves providing training to workers and other stakeholders on the principles and practices of consultation in the workplace. The training should cover the legal requirements for consultation, as well as the different consultation methods and how to participate in the consultation process effectively.
- WHS consultation support: This involves providing ongoing support to organizations to ensure that they meet their legal obligations in consultation and participation. This can include support in the development and implementation of consultation policies and procedures, as well as the facilitation of consultation meetings and the collection of feedback from workers and other stakeholders.

WHS consultation is a critical aspect of workplace health and safety management in Australia. It involves the participation of all stakeholders in identifying, assessing, and controlling health and safety risks in the workplace. WHS consultation services play a vital role in helping organizations meet their legal obligations concerning consultation and participation and ensure their workers’ health and safety.
WHS Consultation Form Template
Name of Organisation: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
Purpose of this consultation form:
This form is being used to seek the views and concerns of workers on matters related to workplace health and safety (WHS). This consultation aims to ensure that the health and safety of workers are protected and that they have a say in decisions that affect their health and safety.
Instructions for completion:
Please complete the following questions as accurately and honestly as possible. Your responses will be kept confidential and will be used to inform the development of our WHS policies and procedures.
- What are your main concerns about WHS in your workplace?
- What do you think could be done to improve WHS in your workplace?
- Have you ever raised a concern about WHS in your workplace? If so, what was the outcome?
- Do you feel that your views and concerns are being considered when decisions about WHS in your workplace?
- Are you aware of the WHS policies and procedures in your workplace? If so, do you feel they effectively protect workers’ health and safety?
- Do you have any suggestions for improving the consultation process in your workplace?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this consultation form. Your feedback is important and will be used to inform the development of our WHS policies and procedures.
Signed: _______________________________
Position: _______________________________
There are many resources available to organizations looking to improve their workplace health and safety practices. Here are two examples:
- Safe Work Australia: Safe Work Australia is a national organization that provides information, advice, and support to organizations on WHS matters. It offers a range of resources, including guidelines, codes of practice, and statistics, to help organizations understand their legal obligations and improve their safety performance.
- WHS Consultation Services: WHS consultation services can provide expert advice and guidance on the most effective consultation methods and workplace participation. These services can help organizations to develop and implement consultation policies and procedures, as well as provide training to workers and other stakeholders on the principles of WHS consultation.
We offer these courses in local workplace environments as well as through digital streaming services in Capital cities and also rural locations in between.