Our People

WHS Consultant - Nathan Owen

Nathan Owen

Safety Consultant

Starting his career as a drilling roughneck before pursuing a career in health and safety, Nathan has postgraduate qualifications in WHS and business management and has taught WHS courses at a tertiary level.

Nathan prides himself on providing effective and practical advice to companies of all sizes.

Nathan specialises in:

  • WHS Risk Management and Legal Compliance
  • WHS System Development and Implementation
  • JASANZ (ISO) Certification

Masters Workplace Health and Safety

Masters Business Administration

Dip. Vocational Education

WHS Consultant Hervey Bay

Tanya Protasova


Tanya has experience in both the construction and engineering industries and focuses on health and safety management systems specialising in compliance with Australian and International Standards.

She has demonstrated capabilities in:

  • WHS Risk Management
  • WHS System Development and Implementation
  • AS/NZS 45001 / 4801

Diploma Work Health and Safety

Diploma Civil Engineering

Bachelors Economics

Our People

Gideon MacGowan


Gideon is an experienced management systems administrator with a background in government and business management. Gideon has dual degrees in Economics and Psychology.

Gideon has demonstrated capabilities in:

  • WHS Management Systems Administration
  • WHS Psychosocial Risk Management
  • AS/NZS 45001, 9001 and 14001

Bachelors Economics

Bachelors Psychology

Cert IV Work Health and Safety

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