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Free Communication and Consultation Procedure Template

Download our free Communication and Consultation Procedure Template:

*For internal use only. Not for resale or redistribution. By downloading, you agree to our Free Resources Licensing Agreement.

Communication and Consultation ProcedurePurpose of Document

A Communication and Consultation Procedure establishes guidelines for the communication and consultation of key WHS information. The key objective is to ensure workers and others are provided with WHS information and given adequate opportunity to contribute to the WHS decision making process. This procedure is broadly aligned with the requirements of AS/NZS 45001:2018.

How to Use

This Communication and Consultation Procedure should be saved on your server and continually reviewed / updated. It should also be communicated to new workers as part of their induction or onboarding process. This document is a template only and it must be customised for your business. Other aspects that may need to be considered include, but are not limited to, ensuring that:

  • Relevant legal requirements have been met,
  • Workplace specific risks are identified and managed, and
  • Workers are consulted with during the customisation / review process.

When to Use

As stated above, this document should be made available to your staff and managers via your server, onedrive or intranet. You should also use it during employee inductions or you may wish to refresh your workers on the contents of the procedure periodically as part of a safety meeting or similar forum.

Who Should Use

This procedure should be reviewed and updated by your Safety Advisor, Project Manager or other Manager. Supervisors or managers can use the procedure to communicate the requirements to workers (including new workers).

Legal Considerations

There is no specific legal requirement to have a documented Communication and Consultation Procedure. However, it is best practice, especially for larger companies. It can help meet general legal duties, including:

  • s(46) WHS Act – Duty to Consult with Other Duty Holders
  • s(47) WHS Act – Duty to Consult with Workers


What is WHS Consultation?

WHS consultation is the cooperative interaction between employers, also known as Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs), and their employees aimed at tackling health and safety issues at work. This process encompasses the exchange of information, the examination of possible hazards, and the inclusion of employees in offering their perspectives, opinions, and responses regarding decisions and measures related to safety.

What are some examples of WHS Consultation in the workplace?

Some examples of WHS consultation include:

  • Having Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and Health and Safety Committees (HSCs)
  • WHS / safety meetings
  • Involving workers in the development and review of WHS policies and procedures
  • Distributing safety alerts
  • WHS noticeboards

Article Sources and Further Reading

  1. Consultation (Safe Work Australia) <>
  2. WHS Consultation Requirements in Australia (Safe Work NSW) <>

These free resources are templates only. They must be customised for your workplace ensuring that:

  • Relevant legal requirements have been met,
  • Workplace specific risks are identified and managed, and
  • Workers are consulted with during the customisation / review process.

The image provided may be inaccurate, download the file to view the template.

By downloading, you agree to our Free Resources Licensing Agreement.

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