Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems & Services

What is an OHMS?

An OHSMS is a management tool used to help identify hazards and risk areas within an organisation. This includes identifying potential dangers such as equipment malfunctions, unsafe work conditions, and poor maintenance practices.

A well-designed OHSMS will reduce the likelihood of workplace injuries and illnesses. Providing employees with access to information about potential risks will encourage them to report problems and take action to avoid harm.

The three main components of an effective OHSMS include:

Identify Hazards

Identifying hazards in your workplace can be done by reviewing existing procedures, policies, and regulations. You should also consider any new processes or products that may pose a threat to workers’ health and safety.

Inspect Equipment

You should inspect all types of equipment regularly for signs of wear and tear. If you find anything out of place, it could indicate a problem with the machine.

Document Your Findings

Documenting findings is essential when creating an OHSMS. It allows you to track changes over time and helps you determine if there are any trends in your workplace.

Features of an effective OHSMS

The Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSMS) is a tool used to manage occupational health and safety risks throughout the organization. The purpose of the OHSMS is to help managers identify hazards and take appropriate action to prevent injuries and illnesses. A well-designed OHSMS helps you meet regulatory requirements, improve productivity, reduce costs, and maintain compliance.

OHSMS audit tools

The purpose of an OHSMS audit tool is to help you assess whether your current OHSMS is effective and efficient enough to meet your needs. An audit tool is a checklist of questions that you ask yourself about your OHSMS. You use it to evaluate where your OHSMS stands against best practice standards.

An OHSMS audit tool helps you identify areas where your OHSMS could improve. For example, you might find out that there are gaps in your OHSMS coverage. Or perhaps you learn that some processes aren’t being followed properly. By identifying these issues, you can take steps to make improvements.

You can use an OHSMS audit to check how well your OHSMS covers the following topics:

  • Risk assessment
  • Occupational health and safety policies and procedures
  • Employee training
  • Health and safety information systems

5 steps of an OHSMS

An OHSMS includes five main components: Policy; Objectives; Targets; Monitoring and Evaluation; and Review. These components help you understand what you want to achieve, how you plan to measure success, where you want to go next, and how you plan to improve your current performance.

There are five steps to an Effective OHRMS: Consultation, Policy Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Review and Improvement.

A good OHSMS will evolve over time. You must continually monitor and evaluate progress against targets and objectives. If it doesn’t work out, make changes. And don’t forget about the people – they’re just as important as the processes and technology. They’ll tell you if something isn’t working.

A good OHRMS will ensure that everyone understands the purpose of the system, why it exists, and how it works. This helps to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.

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The best way to learn about your organization is to ask employees. People know more about their organizations than anyone else.

Health and safety policy

A health and safety policy should cover everything from the legal requirements to the physical layout of the workplace. It should include information about how workers should report any incidents or accidents. Workers must know what to do if they need medical attention.

Your policy should also explain the responsibilities of supervisors and managers. Supervisors have a duty to ensure that all employees follow safe practices and procedures. Managers are responsible for ensuring that all staff members comply with the law and company regulations.

Objective setting

Setting goals and objectives is one of the most important parts of an OHSMS. Your objective-setting process should be based on sound risk analysis.

Risk analysis involves understanding the hazards present at your workplace and then determining which risks pose the greatest threat to your business.

Once you’ve identified the risks, you set goals and objectives to reduce or eliminate them.

Setting goals and objectives is not always easy. But by doing so, you give yourself a clear direction for future action.


After you’ve developed your objectives, you need to put them into practice. The implementation stage is when you actually start implementing your OHSMS.

This means making sure that the right people are trained and that the right equipment is available.

Monitoring and evaluation

It’s essential to regularly review your OHSMS to see whether it’s still relevant and effective.

For example, you may decide to change some of the goals and objectives because they no longer apply to your industry. Or you may find that new technologies have made some of your old methods obsolete.

You can use monitoring and evaluation tools to track your progress toward achieving your goals and objectives.

Review and improvement

If you find that your OHSMS is not working well, you can take steps to improve it. For example, you might want to add additional training courses or modify existing ones. Or you could look at ways to streamline operations.

In general, the more you understand about your OHSMS, the better equipped you’ll be to deal with problems.

Safety Management Systems (SMS) are now widely used throughout the world. They help companies to ensure a safe working environment and protect employees. However, there are still many problems in terms of the effectiveness of SMS. This article discusses the effectiveness of SMS.

The following factors are considered in the design and implementation of an effective Workplace Safety Management System

  • Size of the mine or operation – The larger the mine or operation, the greater the number of people involved. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive SMS, especially for large mines or operations.
  • Type of industry – Different industries require different types of SMS. For example, mining requires a very specific type of SMS because it involves heavy machinery and dangerous materials. On the contrary, manufacturing does not involve such risks.
  • The number of workers – The number of workers directly affects the efficiency of the SMS. If the number of workers is too small, it is difficult to manage the entire process effectively.
  • Information flow – An effective SMS must provide sufficient information to everyone involved. In addition, it needs to be updated regularly.
  • Training – The training of personnel is another important factor affecting the effectiveness of SMS. Employees must understand the rules and regulations clearly.

WHS in your business

A safe workplace is one where people are protected from hazards such as chemicals, machinery, sharp objects, and physical conditions like temperature extremes. This includes providing proper training and equipment for employees to do their jobs safely.

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Employees working in a safe environment are less likely to suffer injuries, illness, or accidents. As a result, businesses save money on health care costs and workers’ compensation insurance premiums.

In addition to saving money, creating a safe work environment benefits employees by making them feel valued and appreciated. They know that their employer cares about their safety and well-being.

Each state has its own Workplace Hazardous Act (WHA), which covers all aspects of health and safety management systems. These include things like managing risks, implementing risk reduction measures, training workers, maintaining records, and reporting incidents.

There are four main areas covered by WHS legislation:

Health & Safety Management System

In most cases, employers must meet the law even if they do not employ any employees. However there are some exceptions where the employer does not control the workplace environment; does not control the equipment/materials used, or does not supervise workers.

Worker Training

Workers must receive adequate training and instruction on how to use safe methods of working safely. This includes training for specific tasks such as handling chemicals, machinery, tools, and equipment.

Record Keeping

All workplaces should keep records of workers’ injuries and illnesses. This helps identify potential causes of these problems and allows companies to implement preventive measures.

Reporting Incidents

When something goes wrong at a workplace, it is important to report this incident immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. Reporting incidents also protect other workers who may have been exposed to the hazard.

Spire Safety Offers Safety Auditing & Consulting Services in Australia Wide

For Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Perth, Adelaide, ACT, Darwin, and all regional centers in between.

Demonstrate your commitment to improving occupational health and safety performance throughout your business, supply chain, and brand by using our WHS Safety Consultancy Services. They are a comprehensive approach to workplace audits and consulting that includes risk assessments, hazard identification, corrective action planning, training development, implementation, and evaluation.

Our expertise allows us to provide you with practical solutions that help you achieve compliance and improve your overall organizational effectiveness.

Reduce operational disruptions while improving the work environment. With our unique combination of experience and knowledge, we are able to identify and eliminate potential hazards and risks associated with your operations. By implementing effective control measures we can reduce incidents and injuries, improve employee morale, increase productivity and enhance customer satisfaction.

Instill confidence and trust across customers, suppliers, staff, and stakeholders, that you are driving corporate responsibility. Through our proven methodology we ensure that your organisation understands how it impacts others and what needs to change to make sure everyone feels safe and supported.

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Frequently asked questions on ISO 45001

ISO 45001 will replace the existing ISO 14001 series of standards. It is designed to ensure that organisations around the world meet international best practice requirements for occupational health and safety.

The new standard will include a range of requirements including:

• A clear statement about why the system is needed;

• An assessment of risks to workers;

• Identification of hazards and how they could be controlled;

• A process for monitoring and reporting incidents;

• Procedures for emergency response;

• Training requirements;

• Record keeping;

• Consultation with employees and their representatives;

• Communication with relevant authorities.

What does ISO 45001 Certification mean for your business and workplace?

It means that your organisation has demonstrated its commitment to providing a safe and healthy place to work by meeting internationally recognised standards.

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