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Further Restrictions Dropped in Queensland

Many of QLD’s remaining COVID restrictions have been removed today, despite active cases continuing to rise.

The government stated that the rules had “served their purpose” and that all restrictions are being eased in sensible stages.

Further Restrictions Dropped in Queensland

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk thanked the community for their assistance and resilience in their response to the pandemic. From today, the following restrictions have been removed:

  • Vaccinations for visitors to aged care, disability accommodation and correctional facilities
  • Vaccinations of employees in childhood centres, schools, outside school care, correctional facilities and airports

Arrivals to Queensland from international locations will no longer need a COVID-19 test on arrival.

This leaves only a few restrictions remaining in Queensland, including:

  • Vaccine mandate on healthcare, hospitality, aged care and disability support workers
  • Face masks are worn in certain limited settings (health settings, prisons, public transport and on planes)
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