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Free WHS Alert / Safety Alert Template

Download our free WHS Alert / Safety Alert Template:

*For internal use only. Not for resale or redistribution. By downloading, you agree to our Free Resources Licensing Agreement.

WHS Alert / Safety Alert TemplatePurpose of Document

Safety Alerts function as a means of communicating identified risks and hazards to workers or subcontractors. They may also help organizations take corrective actions to address and mitigate risks identified from audits, inspections or incidents / near misses.

How to Use

Find a recent incident or topic you wish to discuss. Add the incident / alert details into the first section. Add the relevant hazards and risks into the next section. Finally, add the control measures and other relevant information into the final section.

NOTE: This document is a template only and it must be customised for your business. Other aspects that may need to be considered include, but are not limited to, ensuring that:

  • Relevant legal requirements have been met,
  • Workplace specific risks are identified and managed, and
  • Workers are consulted with during the customisation / review process.

When to Use

You can decide how often you wish to distribute WHS Alerts / Safety Alerts. Many companies distribute these monthly as part of a “monthly safety focus”. They can also be issued in response to a recent incident or near miss.

Who Should Use

This form can be completed by your Safety Advisor, Project Manager or other Manager in your organisation.

Legal Considerations

There is no specific legal requirement to distribute WHS Alerts / Safety Alerts. However, it is best practice, especially for larger companies. It can help meet general legal duties, including:


What does it mean when you get a safety alert?

Safety alerts are usually distributed when there is a hazard that needs to be addressed. They are generally issued in response to an near-miss or incident. The incident may have been internal or external.

What information is provided as part of a safety alert?

A safety alert contains information about the near-miss, incident or safety issue. It will also contain information on the relevant hazard and how this hazard can be controlled or mitigated.

What is the difference between an alert and a bulletin?

A safety alert is usually more serious, as it is issued in response to incident or near -miss (reactive). A bulletin may simply be issued as part of a general safety campaign (proactive).

How do I create a safety alert?

You can use our template, or create your own. So long as it contains the hazards and how these hazards should be controlled.

Article Sources and Further Reading

  1. How to consult with workers (Safe Work Australia) <>
  2. Consultation and cooperation in the workplace (Fair Work Ombudsman) <>

These free resources are templates only. They must be customised for your workplace ensuring that:

  • Relevant legal requirements have been met,
  • Workplace specific risks are identified and managed, and
  • Workers are consulted with during the customisation / review process.

The image provided may be inaccurate, download the file to view the template.

By downloading, you agree to our Free Resources Licensing Agreement.

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