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Ladder Safety Toolbox Talk Template

Download our free Ladder Safety Toolbox Talk Template:

*For internal use only. Not for resale or redistribution. By downloading, you agree to our Free Resources Licensing Agreement.

Ladder Safety Toolbox TalkPurpose of Document

Ladder safety toolbox talks are designed to help consult with workers on the risks of ladders. The primary goal is to protect workers from injury or illness through effective WHS consultation processes. This form is broadly aligned with AS45001:2018.

How to Use

This toolbox talk should be facilitated by a competent person in consultation with workers who complete the task. To conduct an effective toolbox talk engage the team with open discussions and visual aids, and encourage active participation.

This document is a template only and it must be customised for your business. Other aspects that may need to be considered include, but are not limited to, ensuring that:

  • Relevant legal requirements have been met,
  • Workplace specific risks are identified and managed, and
  • Workers are consulted with during the customisation / review process.

When to Use

Some companies have toolbox talks daily, others may have weekly, monthly or even quarterly meetings. You should discuss with your workers how often they think toolbox talks should be held.

Who Should Use

Toolbox talks can be run by your Safety Advisor, Project Manager or other competent person in your organisation. It should be completed in consultation with workers and other relevant personnel affected by the works.

Legal Considerations

There is no specific legal requirement to conduct toolbox talks. However, it is best practice, especially for larger companies. It can help meet general legal duties, including:

  • s(19) WHS Act – Primary Duty of Care
  • s(46) WHS Act – Duty to Consult with Other Duty Holders
  • s(47) WHS Act – Duty to Consult with Workers
  • s(38) WHS Act – Duty to Provide Information, Instruction and Training
  • s(78) WHS Regulations – Management of Risk of Falls

The Code of Practice “Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination” states that face to face meetings are usually the most effective way to communicate safety information.


What are slips, trips and falls?

A slip usually occurs on surfaces that are slick or damp, or where things have been dropped. Tripping is the result of encountering a hindrance that makes you lose your balance. Falling frequently follows a slip or trip.

What is the purpose of ladder safety?

The purpose of ladder safety is to prevent accidents and injuries by promoting proper usage and handling of ladders. This includes educating individuals on selecting the right type of ladder for the task, ensuring proper setup, and following safe climbing and descending practices to minimize the risk of falls and related incidents.

Article Sources and Further Reading

  1. Model Code of Practice: Work health and safety consultation, cooperation and coordination (Safe Work Australia) <>
  2. Safe use of ladders (Safe Work Australia) <>

These free resources are templates only. They must be customised for your workplace ensuring that:

  • Relevant legal requirements have been met,
  • Workplace specific risks are identified and managed, and
  • Workers are consulted with during the customisation / review process.

The image provided may be inaccurate, download the file to view the template.

By downloading, you agree to our Free Resources Licensing Agreement.

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