Free Fitness for Work Policy Template
Download our free Fitness for Work Policy Template:
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Purpose of a Fitness for Work Policy Document
A Fitness for Work Policy establishes guidelines and expectations regarding the physical and mental fitness of employees. The primary purpose is to ensure that individuals are capable of performing their job duties safely and effectively.
How to Use
This Fitness for Work Policy document should be printed, signed by your director and displayed somewhere prominent in the workplace. It should also be communicated to new workers as part of their induction or onboarding process. This document is a template only and it must be customised for your business. Other aspects that may need to be considered include, but are not limited to, ensuring that:
- Relevant legal requirements have been met,
- Workplace specific risks are identified and managed, and
- Workers are consulted with during the customisation / review process.
When to Use
As stated above, this document should be displayed in your organization at all times. You should also use it during employee inductions or you may wish to refresh your workers on the contents of the policy periodically as part of a safety meeting or similar forum.
Who Should Use
This document should be signed by the company director or other senior manager. It can be used by your Safety Advisor, Project Manager or other Manager to communicate the requirements to workers (including new workers).
Legal Considerations
There is no specific legal requirement to have or display a Fitness for Work Policy. However, it is best practice, especially for larger companies. It can help meet general legal duties, including:
- s(19)(3)a WHS Act – Duty to Provide a Safe Working Environment
Workers also have legal responsibilities that may be breached by working while not “fit for work”, including:
- s(28) WHS Act – Duty of workers:
- Taking care of yourself
- Taking care of others
What is “fitness for work”?
Fitness for work means a person is physically and mentally capable of carrying out their designated duties effectively and without endangering their own health and safety or that of others.
What is “not fit for work”?
Not fit for work means that a person is not in a state where they can complete their jobs effectively and safely. This may be due to physical injury, mental health concern, fatigue or drug and alcohol use.
Is being tired not fit for work?
If a worker’s fatigue is effecting their ability to perform their tasks safely, then yes, being fatigue or tired means they are not fit for work.
Article Sources and Further Reading
- Health and Wellbeing (Work Health and Safety Queensland) <>
- The Complete Guide to WHS Policies and Procedures in Australia (Spire Safety) <>